Top 12 Student Demos from Bootcamp Spring 2021

Nick Such

Nick Such,

May 11, 2021

Bootcamp Demo Day Fall 2019

By Nick Such

We are only a few days away from the conclusion of the latest Web Developer Bootcamp program (our 10th!), and we are excited for you to see how far this group of students has come in just a few months. Demo Day is scheduled for Thursday, May 13th. This event is an opportunity for these brand-new developers to showcase their skills through a capstone project, a full-stack web application.

We’re always impressed by the backgrounds of our students before bootcamp, and this group doesn’t disappoint. They’ve worked in management, manufacturing and music. They’ve won 100-person video game tournaments and taught others how to fly airplanes. They’ve helped run small businesses, or even have plans to start their own. And now they know how to turn ideas into plans, plans into code, and code into software solutions for real-world problems.

Bootcamp students, Spring 2021

Our Demo Days have looked different over the past year, but that hasn’t stopped our alumni from landing jobs with local and remote employers, and with growing starting salaries. This spring, while most of our attendees are still joining via Zoom, we’re excited to be able to host a small group of employer representatives in-person. For our remote attendees (or those watching the recording), we are offering some details in this post on how to access an in-depth project review from each student, as well as an opportunity to ask questions or share feedback.

Demo Day Logistics

Watch live

If you’d like to tune in for Demo Day, be sure to register via Eventbrite. Registered attendees will receive a Zoom link to join the livestream. You’ll be able to see and hear our students as they present, and chat with our hosts to ask any questions.

Ask questions any time via Loom and LinkedIn

In addition to providing a brief live presentation about themselves, their journey, and their project, our students have pre-recorded a more detailed walkthrough video (with Loom) showing their projects in action. This video also provides an opportunity for attendees to share questions and comments with each student. You can also connect with our students via LinkedIn through the profile links below.

The Demo List

Twelve students, now developers, are presenting at Demo Day. Here’s the crew:

Rachel Ehlers

Rachel Ehlers{:width='250'}

EQUIP - A local classifieds site for sports equipment

Harris Green

Harris Green{:width='250'}

TripShare - An all in one planner designed to store both information and expenses for a shared trip

Steven Littrell

Steven Littrell{:width='250'}

City Scavenge - A breakout room without the room, a scavenger hunt that takes you across the city. You’ll solve riddles and hunt for clues in order to complete challenges.

Jake Mannino

Jake Mannino{:width='250'}

Loud Fog - Soundcloud with Resonance audio SDK, Wavesurfer.js Spatially interactive tracks users upload, follow sort and react to each other’s tracks

Marquise Piton

Marquise Piton{:width='250'}

The 3 G.O.A.T.S - Compare stats using interactive charts and discuss who is the best basketball player of all time.

Walter Saygers

Walter Saygers{:width='250'}

Sports Ball - A social online to real life network of chillin’, vibin’, and sportin’

Eric Sparks

Eric Sparks{:width='250'}

Filament Tracker - Keeping track of 3D Filament Inventory

Smith Thay

Smith Thay{:width='250'}

Sapling - Building a community that cultivates support in financial education & responsibility

Reece Walter

Reece Walter{:width='250'}

Silverman Bags YOLO Fund - Trade Stocks Based On Real Data, with Fake Money

Russell Wheeler

Russell Wheeler{:width='250'}

Lucid Postcard -

Chancellor Whitaker

Chancellor Whitaker{:width='250'}

Chat Now - Send and receive messages with other users in real-time

Jimmy Zheng

Jimmy Zheng{:width='250'}

We Plan - Social Planning / Calendar App

The Video

Thanks for checking out our Spring 2021 Bootcamp graduates. Here's the full video from their Demo Day: