Have you ever been using an app and thought “this could be so much better.” Maybe you’re a professional web developer, and want to test the waters of mobile app development, or you just know a bit of coding but want to take the next step into a new skill. Either way, you won’t want to miss this opportunity!

Our part-time, evening and weekend course for adults, covers introductory content in order to build and deploy iOS, Android, and Web experiences.

Mobile Apps with Flutter does NOT follow a traditional class setting; it’s based on Agile Learning practices, which is more efficient, saving you time and money! This Course will consist of three (3) two-week Sprints*, utilizing Google Hangouts, Slack, Trello, and GitHub to coordinate Sprint goals and projects. Prior programming experience is required. Previous experience with Github and Javascript is preferred.

Our wonderful instructional team is available remotely for Q&A throughout the Sprints via Slack and Google Hangouts. Instructors will introduce concepts, provide demos, and assist in removing blockers throughout the course.

*Sprints consist of one face-to-face session per week (Saturday AM), five daily stand-ups per week, two demos per week, and one Demo Day (Saturday AM).


  • Developer Tools and Environment Setup
  • Android Studio, Flutter SDK
  • Flutter and Dart Fundamentals
  • Material Design
  • Widgets
  • Animations
  • Dart Packages
  • State Management
  • Test Driven Development
  • Firebase
  • Final Portfolio Project

Course outcomes:

  • Students Will Learn Fundamental Flutter Concepts
  • Understand Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Implement The MVC Design Pattern
  • Store Data With Firebase
  • Secure Your App With Authentication
  • Control State Management with Provider
  • Use Data Structures


  • A Computer that has admin privileges
  • Have 10GB of free space on your hard drive.
  • All software we’ll be using is free to download and install. - Although you can build iOS apps on a Windows computer with Flutter, if you want to test it, you will need a Mac.
  • Previous programming experience with Github, Javascript
  • Google Account

Final Project

Portfolio App deployed to Google Play